Welcome To Your Hero's Journey
Bring out the Herculean man you know is inside of you

8 week interactive program

8 week heroes journey
8 Lesson Course with Challenges for growth in body, mind, and spirit

Men lack purpose, drive, ambition, and community. We created this course inspired by the mythology of Heracles to empower you to take on the heroic challenge of becoming your best self.

This course shows you how to recover your purpose, find the right balance between physical, mental, and spiritual health, and finally commit to doing the hard things that lead to your true destiny.

You fail because you try to go at it alone. This course highlights the importance of group accountability and camaraderie in empowering us to tackle big challenges and changes in your life.

Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Heroic Life
Lesson 2: Why men need physical challenges
Lesson 3: Unlocking your internal motivation
Lesson 4: Discovering ancient athletic wisdom
Lesson 5: Understanding nutrition
Lesson 6: The spiritual nature of sports
Lesson 7: Finding inspiration in ancient heroes
Lesson 8: How to keep aiming at your potential

Course Benefits:
Direct Interaction with Jordan and Dylan
Coordinated Challenges with other classmates to create strong bonds
Ability to clearly identify weaknesses and strengths within yourself
Learn direct physical and nutritional information to start living a healthy life
Mindset strategies to stop from falling off the straight and narrow path
Discover ancient knowledge and stories to inspire you to fight through adversity today

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